Web of Glass & Steel by TonyDeSantis

It has been so long since I have been out I had to dig into the archives.
Sometimes when you don’t get out to shoot you feel the creative flow wane. I am glad I could dig this out and find some creativity in it.
Thank you to all the other photographers on 500PX for the inspiration…keep inspiring!

Check out my facebook and twitter pages for before and after photo’s.
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Sunset Laguna Beach California USA by RamelliSerge

Shot this photo tonite at Laguna Beach. I was very happy as the sunset was one of the most amazing I have seen for a very long time. You know it’s this type of sunset you see and you said to yourself I wish I had a camera that night. Well this time I had one. Honestly probably in my top 5 in the last 12 years.

I took 4 photos to make this pano

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