Cold and blue… Fjallsarlon by jean-soula

December 2015, south coast of Iceland… Amazing lagon of Fjallsarlon.
Workshop Naturavista Jean-Gabriel Soula.

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Breath of life by bellakotak


A portrait introducing Scarlet, the newest addition to my In Bloom series.

I’ve been mulling for the past few months about what this project means to me, what am I trying to express and what direction would I like it to go in. Until now I feel as though I’ve let it flow, a dream of fairytales and flowers. I’d only just begun to contemplate the addition of a new character, perhaps a younger self, an older evolution, or even a child… and that’s when I met Scarlet. A sign if I ever saw one.

Since this shoot I’ve been feeling so inspired that I can barely sleep. Ideas for new pictures jotted on various papers spilling across my desk. It’s an exciting time!

Anyway I hope you like this portrait! I’ll be announcing a print giveaway next week, so watch out for that!!

Hope you all have a great weekend!


Model – Scarlet
Skin retouching – Solstice Retouch


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More fire in the sky by Jarcorboi

Fire in the sky at Valencia. It was one of the most spectaculars sunsets i´ve ever seen. Last picture of this colourful series.

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