The Back Alley by Brains11

Typical scenery in the oldest part of my hometown Dordrecht. This is the other side of one of the main shopping streets here and I call it ” the back alley” . Dordrecht is the oldest city of the Netherlands and has a rich history and culture.

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Dark Magic by martinpodt

Dark Magic, Lochem, the Netherlands.

2016 started with a foggy day. So a perfect start to make some moody photos. I did not have much time, so I went again to some of my favorite locations, same composition as before; not much thinking just doing… I hope you like it.

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A Dream within a Dream by Petricor_Photography

“In visions of the dark night
I have dreamed of joy departed—
But a waking dream of life and light
Hath left me broken-hearted.

Ah! what is not a dream by day
To him whose eyes are cast
On things around him with a ray
Turned back upon the past?

That holy dream—that holy dream,
While all the world were chiding,
Hath cheered me as a lovely beam
A lonely spirit guiding.

What though that light, thro’ storm and night,
So trembled from afar—
What could there be more purely bright
In Truth’s day-star?”

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