Happy New Year 2016! by BertrandoCampos

A new year is like a blank book. The pen is in our hands and it’s our chance to write a better story for ourselves. Let’s celebrate a new beginning. Happy New Year!

Pileated Finch (Tico-tico-rei-cinza).

The Pileated Finch is a resident of arid scrubland and forest edge in Venezuela, Colombia and eastern Brazil. Male Pileated Finches are gray above with a white eyering, black crown, concealed flame red crest and are greyish-white below. Females have duller upperparts than males and have brownish-grey crowns, a greyish-brown streaked breast and a white belly. Pileated Finches are rather quiet and unobtrusive, and often forage on or near the ground for seeds and insects, only occasionally perching in the open. These birds are often encountered alone or are loosely associated with mixed species flocks.

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today, on the beach by fredmatos

Excuse me. I will not visit, comment, vote, without putting any pictures in my favorites. I am rising this photo to warn you that I’m alive, but still unwilling to participate in this race marked cards in what has become the 500px.
I wish a great weekend for everyone.

via 500px http://ift.tt/1TjTNtf

Halictinae (Tribo: Augochlorini,Gênero: Megalopta) by BrunoGarciaAlvares

As abelhas da família Halictidae são importantes na polinização de numerosas orquídeas brasileiras. Abelhas desta família apresentam brilho metálico verde, azul, avermelhado ou mesmo negro.
Possuem diferentes níveis de sociabilidade que vão do solitário ao sub-social. Cada fêmea, individualmente constrói e cuida do seu próprio ninho morrendo antes mesmo de sua cria nascer, ou seja, não há contato entre as gerações.

Para esse empilhamento de foco (focus stacking) foram realizados 52 exposições com a lente 18 55mm invertida combinadas posteriormente com o programa Combine ZP.

via 500px http://ift.tt/1LAjuPO

Halictinae (Tribo: Augochlorini,Gênero: Megalopta) by BrunoGarciaAlvares

As abelhas da família Halictidae são importantes na polinização de numerosas orquídeas brasileiras. Abelhas desta família apresentam brilho metálico verde, azul, avermelhado ou mesmo negro.
Possuem diferentes níveis de sociabilidade que vão do solitário ao sub-social. Cada fêmea, individualmente constrói e cuida do seu próprio ninho morrendo antes mesmo de sua cria nascer, ou seja, não há contato entre as gerações.

Para esse empilhamento de foco (focus stacking) foram realizados 52 exposições com a lente 18 55mm invertida combinadas posteriormente com o programa Combine ZP.

via 500px http://ift.tt/1LAjuPO

Variegated Flycatcher by BertrandoCampos

The Variegated Flycatcher breeds in much of South America east of the Andes south to northern Argentina, although it is apparently absent as a breeder from western Amazonia. The nominate subspecies (E. v. varius) vacates the southern portion of its breeding range during the austral winter, moving north to northern South America, including the western Amazon basin. As with some other austral migrants, this species is prone to vagrancy, and there have been several records from the United States and Canada. One of several similar “streaked” flycatchers, the Variegated is intermediate in size between the smaller Piratic (Legatus leucophaius) and larger Streaked (Myiodynastes maculatus) flycatchers. It is fairly common and conspicuous in forest patches, edge habitats, and more heavily-wooded savannas, where it sallies for insects and also regularly consumes small fruit.

via 500px http://ift.tt/1H8MCme