Happy New Year! by tpoulton001

Happy New Year!

Part of the process of beginning anew, or changing directions is to know where you want to go. I know this sounds simplistic and easy, but this is one of the most difficult of choices to make with clarity.

If you wish to be happy right, then it is about time to leave behind your past.

Looking forward to a massive adventurous year, full of travel and amazing light.

via 500px http://ift.tt/1RSG3aW

Cerro Torre III – Argentina, Patagonia by acseven

Let the light show begin in this stunning natural amphitheater!
Que comece o espetáculo de luz neste fantástico anfiteatro natural!

via 500px http://ift.tt/1OhOOHs

Autumn and Murky Dreams by TedGore

Join TJ Thorne and I on our Columbia River Gorge Workshop

The dramatic spire of Cerro Torre dodges the passing clouds being kicked up by the icefields to the west, giving a great isolated view of the famous peak. The murky glacial waters flow out of the lake at the base of the range. The apparent scale of this image may suggest the river to be just a trickling stream, when in reality, it is deep and raging. No chance of crossing this sucker unless you shimmy across the cable further up stream, secured by harness, dangling 15 feet above the water, which I did a few times during my visit. Pretty fun! I found this mountain to be pretty tricky to shoot, especially with a wide angle focal length that I wanted to use to feature the nice curve of the stream, and the bank dotted with peak autumn colors. Similar to my other image of the mountain, I chose to utilize a ‘focal length blend’ to give me the ability to have a wide-angle foreground with out the undesirable ‘pin-cushioned’ mountain. Due to the distance you are from Cerro Torre, it doesn’t play well with wide angle lenses, even though in person, to your eye, it towers over you, and has a commanding presence.

And if you follow my work and are familiar with the story I told along with my previous Cerro Torre shot, I shot this image just before I climbed into my tent to be terrorized by the mysterious creatures of the night!

via 500px http://ift.tt/1H42Gpm

A fulfilled dream by FGOPhoto

A dream that is fulfilled in one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been; nature at its most pure, wild, hostile, hard state, yet beautiful … too beautiful.

I reached Cerro Torre after a walk of about two hours with a couple of friends who met in El Chalten, walking trails so beautiful was an unforgettable experience. Arriving at the foot of Laguna Torre was amazing; nature welcomed us showing its toughest face, as if to get us kicked out of the place. The lakeshore down and see the pieces of the glacier made me carry me to a place out of stories … that moment!!

If there is any place where one day I will return, will certainly Cerro Torres, a dream out of my head and put it in my heart.
Un sueño que se cumple en uno de los lugares más hermosos en los que he estado; la naturaleza en su estado más puro, salvaje, hostil, duro, y sin embargo hermoso…demasiado hermoso.

Llegué a Cerro Torre luego de una caminata de unas dos horas con un par de amigos que conocí en El Chaltén, caminar por tan hermosos senderos fué una experiencia inolvidable. Al llegar a los pies de Laguna Torre fué increíble; la naturaleza nos recibió mostrando su cara más dura, como queriendo sacarnos a patadas del lugar. El bajar a orillas del lago y ver los trozos del glaciar me hizo transportarme a un lugar sacado de cuentos…que momento!!

Si existe algún lugar donde algún día volveré, será sin duda Cerro Torres, un sueño que saqué de mi cabeza y guardé en mi corazón.

via 500px http://ift.tt/1P7pVQm

Positive Envy by tpoulton001

There is an old saying that crops up in my mind every now and then: “the grass is always greener on the other side.”

Not really for the means of desiring something they believe would improve his or her life, yet sadly would not. Instead, it is because I think about where I am now, and the possibilities of what could be.

To dream of being in a totally different situation, wondering how great life would be compared to the current situation is intriguing. The mind is unrealistically focused on what could be gained, with little attention to what would be lost.

I believe we should relish life as we live it. Find joy in the journey and share that joy with the people who will listen, but forgive the ones that can’t.

via 500px http://ift.tt/1OZAbu1